Also, when parents tell stories and discuss matters with their children, it develops their terminology and concepts. Moreover throughout the text there is a pattern of using a personal experience then expanding on it. Mother language develops a personal and cultural identity. There are three key points which have been identified to assess the text by Tan. An individual hears their native language first when in the womb, and it subconsciously begins shaping their thoughts and emotions. Towards the fifth paragraph Amy uses many anecdotes or personal experiences to give the audience a bit more of an insight with the troubles she faced when she was younger with her mother and the prejudice she faced.
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She uses repetition in this instance to emphasize how, in her opinion, there is no right way or one way of speaking English there are different variations, in this instance the English with her mother is very different from how she speaks English to her teachers or classmates, this can refer back to the title of the text mother tongue. In various households, particularly those of immigrants, some family find this such as grandparents and parents do not understand English commonly utilized in different countries. Furthermore Amys use of dialogue throughout the text lets the audience experience her mother tongue. She employs her understanding and knowledge of the language and yet tries to keep it simple for her audience depicting their difficulties and challenges to learn and adapt to a language that is English and essentially not their mother tongue. Infobase Publishing.
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This in itself proves Tans point of societys misconception and generalisation of people with different language backgrounds. She is aware of these differences and addresses it through her own experience, along with her mothers. English has taken shape of a dominant language, which is why learning it is very essential. These points shall be addressed in the essay while elaborating tem with details. The same was in case of the language which was employed for the communication with her mother, even though it lacked flair and articulateness which can be found in English speaking native people, as she encountered while living in America.
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The author has lived in America for a considerable amount of time, even though she hails from China. In this text we notice that Tan uses very simple and easy to read English, however at the same time we are able to understand the complexity of her argument. It not only stimulates their confidence but also creates awareness of their individual and cultural identity, facilitates learning and adoption of other languages, creates job opportunities and keeps families tightly knit. Additionally, this language cultivates confidence and a sense of self-worth to a child in learning other things. Mother tongue elicits the development of strong family bonds. ” Thus, it becomes the source of instance connection with family, society, culture, and identity.
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Mother tongue develops a strong foundation for learning additional languages. The last paragraph emphasises how Tan is more concerned about her audience rather than the approval of critics and she doesnt need to write like a professor to get her point across. The language facilitates a comprehension of the surrounding, learning of concepts and attaining of various skills. com Experts to get your own custom made paper!The article which has been chosen is Mother Tongue by Amy Tan. ). A child first comprehends what is around them through the language they hear their mother communicating in from before they are born and throughout their lives.
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Amy Tan. A child who ably learns their mother tongue from the initial parts of their lives, amass extensive language skills that help them to express themselves and developing their thinking capacity. BibliographyBloom, H. Learning in school accentuates with the use of mother tongue.
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an academic expert within 3 minutes. This phrase may imply that although Tans mothers English might be limited, but in her opinion it does not strike her as being wrong as so many would think; she clearly states this when she says Some say they understand none of it, as if she were speaking pure Chinese. .